I Keputusan
Menteri Keuangan |
Nomor |
: |
574/KMK.04/2000 |
Tanggal |
: |
26 Desember 2000 |
I. Badan-badan Internasional Dari Perserikatan
1. |
ADB (Asian Development Bank) |
2. |
IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development) |
3. |
IDA (International Development Association) |
4. |
IFC (International Finance Corporation) |
5. |
IJJDF (Irian Jaya Joint Development Fund) |
6. |
IMF (International Monetary Fund) |
7. |
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) Meliputi: |
a. |
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) |
b. |
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) |
c. |
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) |
d. |
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development
Organizations) |
e. |
UPU (Universal Postal Union) |
f. |
WMO (World Meteorological Organization) |
g. |
UNU (United Nations University) |
h. |
UNV (United Nations Volunteer) |
i. |
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development) |
j. |
UNDTCD (United Nations Department for Technical
Cooperation and Development) |
k. |
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) |
l. |
UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlement) |
m. |
ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The
Pacific) |
n. |
UNFPA (United Nations Funds for Population Activities) |
o. |
WFP (World Food Programme) |
p. |
IMO (International Maritime Organization) |
q. |
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) |
r. |
IFAD(International Fund for Agricultural Development) |
s. |
GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) |
t. |
ITC (International Trade Centre) |
u. |
WTO (World Tourism Organization) |
8. |
FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) |
9. |
ILO (International Labour Organization) |
10. |
UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) |
11. |
UNIC (United Nations Information Centre) |
12. |
UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) |
13. |
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization) |
14. |
WHO (World Health Organization) |
15. |
World Bank |
II. Colombo Plan:
1. |
Colombo Plan Australia |
2. |
Colombo Plan Canada |
3. |
Colombo Plan India |
4. |
Colombo Plan Inggris |
5. |
Colombo Plan Jepang yaitu JICA (Japan International
Cooperations Agency) |
6. |
Colombo Plan New Zealand |
7. |
IPECC (Pakistan - Republik Indonesia) |
8. |
JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) |
III. Kerjasama Teknik:
1. |
Kerjasama Teknik Negeri Belanda-Republik Indonesia |
2. |
Kerjasama Teknik Rusia-Republik Indonesia |
3. |
Kerjasama Teknik Jerman Barat -Republik Indonesia |
4. |
Kerjasama Teknik Perancis - Republik Indonesia |
5. |
Kerjasama Teknik Negeri Polandia-Republik Indonesia |
6. |
Kerjasama Teknik Amerika Serikat-Republik Indonesia
(USAID: United States Avency for International Development) |
7. |
Kerjasama Teknik Swiss-Republik Indonesia |
8. |
Kerjasama Teknik Italia-Republik Indonesia |
9. |
Kerjasama Teknik Belgia-Republik Indonesia |
10. |
Kerjasama Teknik Denmark-Republik Indonesia |
11. |
Kerjasama Teknik Korea - Republik Indonesia |
12. |
Kerjasama Teknik Finlandia-Republik Indonesia |
13. |
Kerjasama Ekonomi dan Teknik Malaysia - Republik
Indonesia |
14. |
Kerjasama Ekonomi dan Teknik Singapura - Republik
Indonesia |
15. |
Kerjasama Ekonomi, Perdagangan dan Teknik RRC - Republik
Indonesia |
16. |
Kerjasama Ekonomi, Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknik Vietnam -
Republik Indonesia |
17. |
Kerjasama Ekonomi dan Teknik Tahiland - Republik
Indonesia |
18. |
Kerjasama Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknik Meksiko - Republik
Indonesia |
Kerjasama Kebudayaan
1. |
Kerjasama Kebudayaan Belanda - Republik Indonesia |
2. |
Kerjasama Kebudayaan Jepang - Republik Indonesia |
3. |
Kerjasama Kebudayaan Mesir/RPA - Republik Indonesia |
4. |
Kerjasama Kebudayaan Austria - Republik Indonesia |
Organisasi-Organisasi Internasional Lainnya:
1. |
Asean Secretariat |
2. |
EEC (European Economic Community) |
3. |
SEAMEO (South East Asian Minister of Education
Organization) |
4. |
ACE (The ASEAN Centre for Energy) |
5. |
NORAD (The Norwegian Agency for International
Development) |
6. |
FPP Int. (Foster Parents Plan Int.) |
7. |
PCI (Project Concern International) |
8. |
Danish Save The Children Organization |
9. |
IDRC ( The International Development Research Centre) |
10. |
Kerjasama Teknik Di bidang Perkoperasian antara
DMTCI/CLUSA -Republik Indonesia |
11. |
WWF (The World Wildlife Fund) |
12. |
The Population Council - Republik Indonesia |
13. |
NLRA (The Netherlands Leprosy Relief Association) |
14. |
MCC (The Mennonite Central Committee Of Akron
Pensylvania USA) - Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. |
15. |
The Commission of The European Communities - Pemerintah
Republik Indonesia |
16. |
OISCA INT. (The Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and
Cultural Advancement International) - Pemerintah Republik Indonesia |
17. |
World Relief Cooperation - Pemerintah Republik Indonesia |
18. |
IFDC (The International Fertilizer Development Center) -
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia |
19. |
The Damien Foundation |
20. |
APCU (The Asean Heads of Population Coordination Unit) |
21. |
SIL (The Summer Institute of Linguistics , Inc.) |
22. |
IPC (The International Pepper Community) |
23. |
APCC (Asian Pacific Coconut Community) |
24. |
INTELSAT (International Telecommunication Satellite
Organization) |
25. |
PROJECT HOPE (The People Health Foundation, Inc.) |
26. |
CIP (The International Potato Centre) |
27. |
USC CANADA (The Unitarian Service Committee of Canada) |
28. |
ICRC (The International Committee of Red Cross) |
29. |
Terre Des Hommes Netherlands |
30. |
INTERWARDER (Interwarder , East Asia Pacific Shorebird
Study Programme) |
31. |
CIRAD (Le centre De Cooperation Internationale en Recherche
Agronomique Pour Le Development) |
32. |
CIMMYT (The International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Centre) |
33. |
HKI (Helen Keller International, Inc.) |
34. |
Taipei Economic and Trade Office |
35. |
FADO (Felemish Organization for Assistance on
Development) |
36. |
Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation |
37. |
KAS (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung) |
38. |
SACFU (The South Australian CRANIO - FACIAL Unit) |
39. |
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, USA-PATH |
40. |
ADC (Agriculture Development Council, Inc.) |
41. |
SCF (The Save The Children Federation / Community
Development Foundation) |
42. |
ICBP (The International Council for Bird Preservation) |
43. |
CIFOR (The Center for International Forestry Research) |
44. |
Islamic Development Bank |
45. |
Kyoto University- Jepang |
46. |
CCA (the Canadian Cooperative Association) |
47. |
ICRAF (the International Centre for Research in
Agroforestry) |
48. |
Swisscontact - Swiss Foundation for Technical
Cooperation |
49. |
Winrock International |
50. |
Stichting Tropenbos |
51. |
Utrecht University - Netherlands |
52. |
The Moslem World League (Rabita) |
53. |
Research Division Komatsu Ltd |
54. |
EIB (European Investment Bank) |
VI. Organisasi Swasta International:
1. |
Asia Foundation |
2. |
The British Council |
3. |
CARE (Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere
Incorporation) |
4. |
CCF (Christian Children's Fund) |
5. |
CRS (Catholic World Service) |
6. |
CWS (Church World Service) |
7. |
The Ford Foundation |
8. |
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung |
9. |
FNS (Friedrich Neumann Stiftung) |
10. |
IECS (International Executive Service Cooperation) |
11. |
IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) |
12. |
Leprosy Mission |
13. |
OXFAM (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief) |
14. |
Rockefeller Foundation |
15. |
MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) |
16. |
UFM International |
17. |
WE (World Education, Incorporated, USA) |
18. |
ACILS (American Center for International Labor
Solidarity) |
II Keputusan
Menteri Keuangan |
Nomor |
: |
574/KMK.04/2000 |
Tanggal |
: |
26 Desember 2000 |
I. Kerjasama Teknik
1. |
Kerjasama Teknik Kerajaan Arab Saudi - Republik
Indonesia |
2. |
Kerjasama Teknik Iran - Republik Indonesia |
3. |
Kerjasama Teknik Pakistan - Republik Indonesia |
4. |
Kerjasama Teknik Philipina - Republik Indonesia |
II. Organisasi-organisasi International Lainnya :
1. |
NEDO (The New Energy and Indutrial Technology
Development Organization) |
2. |
HSF (Hans Seidel Foundation) |
3. |
DAAD (Deutcher Achademischer Austaushdienst) |
4. |
IBF (The Inverso Baglivo) |
5. |
WCS (The Wildlife Conservation Society) |
6. |
BORDA (The Bremen Overseas Research and Development
Association) |